Friday 5 August 2016

Mechanism of Action of Antimicrobial Agents at a Glance

Mechanism of Action of Penicillins: β-Lactam antibiotics,Bactericidal.
1. The Penicillin interferes with the last steps of bacterial cell wall synthesis by inhabiting transpeptidation enzyme which required for Peptidoglycan synthesis. it acts by a receptors name Penicillin Binding Proteins(PBPs).
     2. Penicillin inactivates the inhibitors of autolytic enzymes in the bacterial cell wall.

Mechanism of Action of Cephalosporins: β-Lactam antibiotics, Bactericidal
1.   As like Penicillin, Cephalosporin also interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis by inhabiting transpeptidation enzyme which required for Peptidoglycan synthesis. It acts by a receptors name Penicillin Binding Proteins (PBPs).

 Mechanism of Action of Vancomycin: Bactericidal
1.   As like Penicillin,Vancomycin also inhabit bacterial cell wall synthesis by preventing peptydoglycan elongation and cross linking.

Mechanism of Action of Tetracyclin: Having four partially unsaturated cyclo-hexane radicals on its nephthacene nucleus, Bacteriostatic
1.   Its reversibly binds with 30S subunit of bacterial ribosome and blocking the binding the Aminoacyl-tRNA to the acceptor site on the mRNA-ribosome complex. Thus inhabits bacterial protein synthesis.

Mechanism of Action of Aminoglycosides: contain two or more aminosuger linked to an aminocyclital ring by glycosidic bond. Bactericidal
1.   Its binds with 30S subunit of bacterial ribosome and interference with initiation complex of peptide formation, causing misreading of mRNA which results in incorrect amino acid incorporation. So promotion of polysomal dissociation into nonfunctional monosome. Thus inhabits bacterial protein synthesis.

Mechanism of Action of Macrolide: Bactericidal + Bacteriostatic
1.   Its binds with 50S subunit of bacterial ribosome and  block movement of peptidyl tRNA from acceptor to donor site,as a result the next incoming tRNA  can not bind to the still occupied acceptor site. Thus inhabits bacterial protein synthesis.

Mechanism of Action of Chloramphenicol: Bacteriostatic
1.   It’s reversibly binds with 50S subunit of bacterial ribosome and inhabits transpeptidation reaction by inhibition of ribosomal peptidyle transferase. So elongation of protein chain blocks. Thus inhabits bacterial protein synthesis.

Mechanism of action of Fluroquinolones: Bactericidal
1.   It inhibits DNA gyrase (topoisomerase ll and topoisomerase lV that inhibit the helical twist in DNA) and interfere with the supercoiling of DNA.

Mechanism of action of Sulfonamides: Bacteriostatic
1.   It competes with PABA for the enzyme dihydropterate synthetase.thus inhibit folate synthesis. Folate is necessary for synthesis of bacterial DNA or RNA.

Mechanism of action of Trimethoprim: Bacteriostatic
1.   It inhibits the reduction of dihydrofolic acid (DHFA) to tetrahydrofolic acid (THFA).

Collected and concise only for postgraduate students