Wednesday 17 January 2018

Hormones of metabolic homeostasis at a glance

1.                   Insulin; which decrease blood glucose concentration
2.                   Glucagon; increase blood glucose concentration
3.                   Catecholamines ; increase blood glucose concentration
4.                   Cortisol ; increase blood glucose concentration

5.                   Growth hormone ; increase blood glucose concentration

Urea cycle at a glance

Compartment—Mitochondria & Cytoplasm
Rate limiting enzyme—Carbamoylphosphate  synthase 1
Energy needed—03 ATP
Regulator—N-acetyl glutamate
1.      Conversion of toxic NH3 into no toxic urea
2.      Disposal of two waste products; NH3 and Co2
3.      Synthesis of argentine
4.      Synthesis of proline
5.      Interaction of TCA cycle
·         TCA cycle  Co2 and ATP for urea cycle

·         Urea cycle provides fumerate for TCA cycle

Sunday 14 January 2018

Hexose Monophosphate Shunt /PPP /HMP shunt At a glance

Another name—Pentose phosphate pathway
Substrate--Glucose 6 phosphate
Product--Ribose sugar or NADPH2
Site--Liver, Adipose tissue, RBC, Gonads, Adrenal cortex, Macrophage, lactating breast
Rate limiting enzyme-- Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase
Co enzyme--NADP, TPP (derived from Thiamine)
ATP production—No ATP is directly produced or consumed
Unique specialty--alternative pathway of glucose oxidation
1.      Provide ribose sugar for synthesis of nucleotide and nucleic acid
2.      Provide NADPH2 to-               
·         Help in reductive synthesis of fatty acid ,steroid , cholesterol etc
·         Help detoxifying functions of liver to convert toxic substance in to nontoxic form
·         Prevent hemolaysis by facilitating antioxidant activity in RBC
·         Facilitate superoxide and free radical production in phagocytes through oxygen dependent myeloperoxidase system to kill bacteria and other pathogens
·         Help in reduction of H2O2
·         Help in synthesis of nitric oxide or endothelial derived relaxing factors

3.      It’s an alternative pathway of glucose oxidation. 

Glycolysis At a glance

Another name--Embden Meyerhof pathway
Product--Pyruvate(in aerobic state) or Lactate(in anaerobic state)
Site--All cell & tissue
Rate limiting enzyme--Phosphofructokinase
Co enzyme--NAD (from niacin)
ATP production--08 (in aerobic state) or 02 (in anaerobic state)
Unique specialty--Can occur in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Stimulated by- Insulin, ADP, ANP.

Inhibited by- Glucagon, ATP, Citrate