Wednesday 8 June 2016

Surface Ectoderm derivatives at a glance

Surface Ectoderm derivatives:
Divided into
1.       Epidermis
2.       Placode
3.       Stomstodaeum
4.       Proctodium
1. Epidermis derivatives:
·         Mammary gland
·         Nail
·         Hair follicle
·         Sebaceous gland (cutaneous gland )
·         Sweat gland (cutaneous gland )
2. Placode derivatives:
·         Olfactory placode – form Olfactory epithelium
·         Otic placode – form inner ear
·         Lens placode –Form’s lens
3. Stomatodium derivatives:
·         Epithelium of nasal cavity
·         Epithelium of vestibule ,gum, hard palate
·         Enamel of teeth
·         Parotid gland
·         Rathke’s pouch
4. Proctodium derivatives:
·         Lower part of anal canal.

·         Epithelium and glands

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