Wednesday 11 May 2016

Giant Cells at a glance

Giant cell is a mass usually formed by fusion of macrophage with multiple nuclei & phagocytic activity

Giant cells are generally divided into two groups
1. Physiological Giant cells
·         Osteoclast
·         Megakaryocytes
·         Syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta

2.  Pathological
(S.N=Malignant Giant cells are formed by nuclear division without division of cytoplasm and show characteristics of malignancy)
1.Langhans’  Giant cells (German pathologist Theodor Langhans )
·         Tuberculosis
·         Sarcoidosis
·         Recent study reveals that it forms nearly all types of granulomatous diseases
·         Macrophage (Epitheloid cell )
·         Nucleus arranged horse shoe shape pattern in the cell periphery.
2.Aschoff Giant cells (German physician Ludwig Aschoff )
·         Rheumatic heart diseases
·         Macrophage (Histiocyte )
·         Fibrinoid necrotic centre surrounded by granulomatous  structure such as plasma cell ,lymphatic infiltration or fibrinoid change )
3.Giant cell of Giant cells tumor of bone
·         Bone tumor
·         Soap-bubble appearance
·         Hundreds of nucleus with Prominent nucleoli surrounded by mononuclear cell
4.Foreign body Giant cells
·         Reaction due to talc ,silica
·         Nucleus are arranged centrally and overlapped
5.Tuton Giant cells (German Dermatologist Kari Tuton )
·         Xanthomata
·         Dermatofibroma
·         Fat necrosis
·         Ring nucleoli surrounding a central homogenous foamy cytoplasm which surrounds the nuclei.
6. Giant cells of herpes Simplex
·         herpes Simplex
·         Fusion of viral infected epidermal cell
7.Warthin-Finkeldey Giant cell
·         Measles
·         HIV
·         Large grape like cluster of nuclei
8.Glioblastoma multiforme
·         Malignant glial tumor
·         Anaplastic Astrocytomas
·         Subcortical white matter of brain
·         Multiple mutation
9. Giant cell in Choriocarcinoma
·         Trophoblastic germ cell tumor
·         Syncytiotrophoblasti (multinucleated cell with eosinophilic cytoplasm )& cytotrophoblast(Polyhedral ,mononuclear cells with hyperchromic nuclei & a clear cytoplasm ) without formation of definitive placenta type villi
Concise from Wikipedia, Medscape, MedicineNet etc for easy to memories.

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