Tuesday 31 May 2016

Myxo viruses at a glance

Myxo means mucin, these viruses can attack mucin layer. So they are called Myxo virus
There are two types of Myxo virus
a.        Orthomyxo virus
b.      Paramyxo virus

A. Orthomyxo virus: ( Virions are 80-120 nm in diameter )
A.Single-stranded RNA viruses that have a spherical or filamentous virion with numerous surface projections of glycoprotein (either haemagglutanin, neuraminidase or fusion protein)              

B .From Latin orth (straight) - + myxo+virus (family Orthomyxoviridae)

C. Enveloped virus

D. viruses are segmented without fusion protein

E. Nucleus is the site for RNP (riboneucleoprotein) formation

F. Have unstable antigenicity.
Example: (in human) 

Influenza virus (Influenza A, B, C) are the only members of orthomyxo virus family.

B.Paramyxo virus: (Virions are 150-300 nm in diameter)
                                A. from Latin para (beyond) -myxo-virus           (family Paramyxoviridae)
                                B. single stranded RNA with a helical nucleocapsid
                                C. Enveloped virus
                       D.Virion contains an RNA dependent RNA polymerase,which transcribes thee negative- polarity genome into mRNA.the genome is therefore not infectious.
                                E. Cytoplasm is the site for RNP ( riboneucleoprotein ) formation
                                F. Have stable antigenicity.
                                G. viruses are non segmented with fusion protein
Example: (in human)
·          Parainfluenza virus
·          Mumps virus
·          Measles virus
·          Respiratory syncytial virus

Collected & Concise only for postgraduate student 

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