Thursday 5 May 2016


            Kidney is the one of the vital organ of the body, about 1250 ml blood flow through kidney per minute.

Each kidney receives blood from renal artery branch of descending Aorta
Each kidney divides into anterior and posterior division (Anterior has 4 branches Apical; Upper & anterior; Middle & anterior; Lower)
                                                                Each divided into segmental arteries
                                                                Lobar artery (one on each pyramid)
                                          Interlobar artery (just before entering the kidney substance)
                                           Arcuate artery (just the level of coeticomedullary junction)
                                                                               Interlobular artery
                                                                                Afferent arteriole
                                                                            Glomerular capillaries
                                                                                Efferent arterioles
                                                                              Peritubular capillary
                                                                                 Interlobular vein
                                                                                      Arcute vein
                                                                                   Interlobar vein
                                                                                       Renal vein
                                                                                Inferior Venacava
                    Some peculiarities are
·         Branches of renal arteries are end arteries
·         Renal blood passes through two sets of capillary plexuses ( Glomerular plexus  &  Peritubular plexus )
·         Blood circulation of cortex 5 times more than medulla
·         Along the lateral border of the kidney is avascular because the anterior and posterior divisions do not anastomose across this line
·         Each kidney present five independent vascular systems such as Apical; Upper & anterior; Middle & anterior; Lower And the posterior )

Collected & Concise only for postgraduate student

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