Thursday 5 May 2016

Respiration + Rectus Abdominis+ Diaphragm

        Respiration is nothing but some total of inspiration  & expiratio.. Normal respiratory rate in adult about  12-15 times per mminute. So one single breath takes approximately 5 sec.Inspiration is shorter 2 sesec & expiration is longer 3 sec.We know in normal breathing inspiration is an active process & expiration is a passive process.

        About 75% of inspiration is caused by Diaphragm(by two effect-a.increase vertical diameter of the thorax; b.lift's the lower ribs which causes thorasic expansion  transversely  & anteroposteriorly that means Bucket Handle Effect.
       On the other hands Expiration needs nothing such during normal caused by passive ellastic recoil force & gradual lesseing of contraction of intercostal muscles. But in forceful expiration Rectus Abdominis is involved -a. By pulling down the lower ribs ; b. By compress the abdominal contents and force the diaphragm upward,decreasing the volume of the thorasic cavity.

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