Sunday 8 May 2016

Paraneoplastic Syndrome

   Paraneoplastic syndromes are

  • ·         Symptom complexes of cancer bearing patients
  • ·         That cannot readily be explained
  • ·         Either by local or distant spread of the tumor
  • ·         Or by the elaboration of hormones indigenous to the tissue from which the tumor arose.[Robbins, 8th]


Clinical Syndrome
Major forms of underlying cancer
Causative agents
1.Syndrome of inappropriate antdiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH-The hyponatremia and hypo osmolality resulting from inappropriate, continued secretion or action of the hormone despite normal or increased plasma volume, which result in impaired water excretion)
·         Small cell carcinoma of lung
·         Intracranial neoplasm
ADH or atrial natriuretic peptide hormone
2. Cushing syndrome/Hypercortisolism (Collection of symptom caused by very high levels of a hormone called cortisol in the body.
·         Small cell carcinoma of lung
·         Pancreatic carcinoma
·         Neural tumor
·         Thymoma
Ectopic ACTH or ACTH like substance
3.Hypercalcemia(plasma Ca++ level >2.5 mmol/l)
·         Small cell carcinoma of lung
·         Breast Ca
·         Renal Ca
·         Ovarian Ca
·         Adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma
Parathyroid hormone related protein, TNF,TGF-α
4.Hypoglycemia (plasma glucose level < 70 mg/dl )
·         Fibrosarcoma
·         Hepatocellular Ca
·         Other mesenchymal sarcomas
Insulin or Insulin like Substance
5.Carcinoid Syndrome (Collection of syndromes occurs in Carcinoid tumor which is a neuroendocrine tumor)
·         Pancreatic carcinoma
·         Gastric Ca
·         Bronchial Adenoma
Serotonin ,Bradykinin
6.Polycythemia (Increase Red cell production )
·         Renal Ca
·         cerebral haemangioma
·         Hepatocellular Ca

·         Adrenal adenoma
·         Ovarian CA
·         Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Gastro Intestinal Tract
Watery Diarrhea
·         Proctosigmoid tumors
·         Medullary Thyroid carcinoma
PG E2 & f2 like Substance
Dermatologic Disorder
1.Acanthosis nigricans (Clinical conditions of the skin characterized by area of dark , velvety discoloration in body folds and creases )
·         Gastric Ca
·         Lung Ca
·         Uterine Ca

2.Dermatomyositis (Inflammatory diseases marked by muscle weakness and definitive skin rash )
·         Breast Ca
·         Bonchogenic ca
·         Gastric Ca
·         Ovarian tumor
·         Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
·         Pancreatic carcinoma
·         Colorectal Ca
Nervous & Muscle Syndrome
1.Mysthenia ( Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by fatigue and exhaustion of muscles )
·         Bonchogenic ca
2.Polymyositis (Autoimmune inflammatory diseases of muscle that begins when W.B.C  spontaneously invade muscle specially closest to the trunk or torso )
·         Lung Ca
·         Bladder Ca
·         Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

3.Limbic encephalitis (Inflammation of Brain tissue limited to limbic system )
·         Small cell carcinoma of lung
4.Encephalitis ( Inflammation of Brain tissue )
·         Ovarian tumor
Antibody against N-Methyl-D-Asparter receptor
Rheumatologic Syndrome & soft tissue changes
1.Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
·         Bonchogenic ca
·         Pleural mesothelioma
·         Phrenic neurilemmoma

2.SLE ( Chronic inflammatory condition caused by autoimmune diseases in which body’s tissues are attacked by its own immune system )
·         Lung Ca
·         Breast Ca
·         Gonad Ca
·         Lymphoma

Vascular & hematological changes
1.Venous Thrombosis /Trousseau’s phenomenon ( a medical sign involving episodes of vessel inflammation due to clot which are recurrent or appearing in different locations.)
·         Pancreatic carcinoma
·         Bonchogenic ca
Mucins like tumor product
2.Non bacterial Thrombotic endocarditis
·         Advanced cancer
Renal System
1.Nephrotic Syndrome (protineuria, edema, hyperlipidemia, hypoalbuminemia)

·         Breast Ca
·         Bonchogenic ca
·         Gastric Ca
·         Ovarian tumor
·         Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
·         Pancreatic carcinoma
·         Renal Ca
·         Hodgkin Lymphoma
·         Melanomas
Tumor antigens/Immunocomplex
 Concise from Wikipedia, Medscape, MedicineNet for easy to memories.

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